あまりニュースが取り上げない情報を思考するTofu News: Unique Topics that Conventional Media Ignores in Japan

https://twitter.com/NewsTofu To practice my English, I introduce news topics (immigration, economy, international relations, etc.) that conventional media ignores in Japan. 英語の勉強を兼ねて、あまりとりあげられないトピック, 移民問題、経済、外交、などを紹介していこうと思います。

移民問題への示唆 ”ドイツのイスラム教徒と社会統合”  "Immigration, social integration issue in Germany"

意義 Meaning why I introduce

This time’s topic is immigration issue in Germany. The introducing information comes from 2012. That is not new but an issue of immigration is also important for Japan’s future and I found some interesting information in the article. Thus, I will refer a part of the information and try to think about something.



引用元の記事リンクLink to the article



本題 Main Subject

In 2012, Germany's Interior Ministry researched on what kind of idea and attitude Muslims living in Germany have in the social integration of immigrants and released it study result.


 In a Spiegel’s article “Muslims in Germany Study Hints that Mutual Suspicion Is Slowing Integration”, Hawley (2012) introduced the result of the Interior Ministry study,

“among Muslims in the age group between 14 and 32, "there exists a subgroup that could be described as 'strictly religious' with strong antipathy to the West, a tendential acceptance of violence and no willingness to integrate,'" the study says. Among Muslims with German citizenship, this group encompasses 15 percent, among non-citizens, it is 24 percent.”

 Charles Hawleyは2012年のシュピーゲルの記事の中でこのドイツ内務省の研究結果を次のように紹介している。

(以下引用、訳)14-32歳のイスラム教徒の年齢層の中で、一定の人々を「厳格に宗教的なグループ」として分類した。 このグループは、西欧に対する反感、暴力を許容する傾向、社会統合に対して消極性持つグループであると内務省の研究は述べている。この厳格に宗教的なグループに分類されたのは、ドイツの市民権を持つイスラム教徒に関しては、15%存在し、市民権を持たないムスリムの場合は、24%存在する。

 To confirm my understanding, I try to summarize. The first important information is that there is 15% of people categorized as 'strictly religious' in the14-32 age group of Muslims having German citizenship.

The second one is that there is 24% of people categorized as 'strictly religious' in the14-32 age group of Muslims not having German citizenship.



 感想 My thought, impression

What do you think about these percentages? Firstly, I wanted to know not only percentage but also exact number how many Muslims living in Germany had the unwillingness to the integration or categorized into 'strictly religious' because actual number might bring more clear understanding of actual situation.

この数字について、皆さんはどう思いますか? まず私が思ったのは、パーセンテージではなくて実際の数字が知りたいなと、思いました。実際の数字のほうが、より明確に実際の状況がわかるからです。

 However, from only these percentages, I can guess Germany and considerable number of Muslims had experienced difficulties in social integration before 2015’s refugee crisis.しかし、この数字からでも、2015年の難民危機以前から、ドイツ社会と、ドイツ在住のムスリムの人々が、社会統合に関して、困難さを経験してきたことが窺えると思います。 

 ポジティブな結果 Positive Result

On the other hand, the article also referred to the positive result,

“The study also found that 78 percent of Muslims with German citizenship have a positive attitude toward integration, while slightly more than half of those without German citizenship do as well.” 


(引用訳) 内務省の研究は78%の市民権を持つムスリムの人たちと、市民権を持たない50%を若干超えるムスリムの人たちは、社会統合に関して前向きな姿勢持つことを示した。

 原因の推測 Presumption of the cause

And in terms of a cause, I guess unwillingness to social integration comes from poverty and insufficiency of integration in labor market. Thus, I will refer to that issue as other module in another video or blog.


 That’s all for today. Like this, I shortly introduce interesting information as module, accumulate them little by little and study specific topics. Thank you for watching.



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 Hawley, C 2012, Muslims in Germany Study Hints that Mutual Suspicion Is Slowing Integration, viewed 29 September 2018,

< http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/muslims-in-germany-study-hints-that-mutual-suspicion-is-slowing-integration-a-818666.html >.

  About this Blog

 To learn English, I will introduce some news topics (immigration, economy, international relations, environmental issue, crimes etc.) that conventional media ignores in Japan.

 英語の勉強を兼ねて、あまりとりあげられないトピック, 移民問題、経済、外交、環境問題、犯罪などを紹介していこうと思います。

 I will also translate information written in English to Japanese or translate Japanese news into English.


 However, my English level is low. Thus, this blog could include not correct information caused by the poor level of my English and understanding or translation.
