あまりニュースが取り上げない情報を思考するTofu News: Unique Topics that Conventional Media Ignores in Japan

https://twitter.com/NewsTofu To practice my English, I introduce news topics (immigration, economy, international relations, etc.) that conventional media ignores in Japan. 英語の勉強を兼ねて、あまりとりあげられないトピック, 移民問題、経済、外交、などを紹介していこうと思います。

ドイツにおける過去の移民労働者の貧困ー日本への示唆 Immigrant workers and poverty in Germany

今回のトピック Topic

This time’s topic is also immigration issue in Germany. Especially, I will focus on some data in terms of life and poverty situation of immigrants and foreign workers that Germany previously accepted.



☆引用元の記事リンクLink to the article



本題 Main Subject

In 2014, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (JILPT) introduced a comparison of public pension and at-risk-of-poverty rate between German and foreigners based on WSI Report “Die Gastarbeiter, Geschichte und aktuelle soziale Lage”.

2014年に労働政策研究・研修機構(The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, JILPT)がWSI(ハンスベックラー財団経済社会研究所)の調査を元に、ドイツの移民、労働者の年金と貧困率について紹介しています。



According to JILPT, in terms of public pension benefits in 2012, the monthly average benefit of Turk male was 742 euro, the monthly average pension benefit for German male was 1109 euro, that of Turk female was 363 euro and that of German female was 572 euro.



Additionally, JILPT introduced a comparison of the at-risk-of-poverty rate between German and foreigners of 65 and above. The foreigners came from countries with which Germany made an agreement on acceptance of their workers.


In 2012, the at-risk-of-poverty rate of German of over 65 years was 12.5%, that of foreigners of over 65 years that came from the contracting country was 41.8%, and that of Turk of over 65 years was 54.7% (JILPT 2012).  



感想 My thought, impression

From above mentioned data, I have guessed the low pension benefit probably means their average salary before their retirement could be also lower than that of German.


Like I introduced in my blog last time, I think economic disparity and poverty could be main factor hindering social integration



Although this time we have just seen the data about public pension and at-risk-of-poverty rate for elderly people, I guess economic disparity and poverty could be handed down through generations and its influence brings a difficulty in integration issue.



That’s all for today. Like this, I shortly introduce interesting information as module, accumulate them little by little and study specific topics. Thank you for watching.



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 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training 2014, 50年後のガストアルバイター ―WSI調, viewed 1 October 2018,

< https://www.jil.go.jp/foreign/jihou/2014_12/germany_01.html >.


About this Blog

 To learn English, I will introduce some news topics (immigration, economy, international relations, environmental issue, crimes etc.) that conventional media ignores in Japan.

 英語の勉強を兼ねて、あまりとりあげられないトピック, 移民問題、経済、外交、環境問題、犯罪などを紹介していこうと思います。

 I will also translate information written in English to Japanese or translate Japanese news into English.


 However, my English level is low. Thus, this blog could include not correct information caused by the poor level of my English and understanding or translation.
