あまりニュースが取り上げない情報を思考するTofu News: Unique Topics that Conventional Media Ignores in Japan

https://twitter.com/NewsTofu To practice my English, I introduce news topics (immigration, economy, international relations, etc.) that conventional media ignores in Japan. 英語の勉強を兼ねて、あまりとりあげられないトピック, 移民問題、経済、外交、などを紹介していこうと思います。


ドイツにおける過去の移民労働者の貧困ー日本への示唆 Immigrant workers and poverty in Germany

今回のトピック Topic This time’s topic is also immigration issue in Germany. Especially, I will focus on some data in terms of life and poverty situation of immigrants and foreign workers that Germany previously accepted. 今回のトピックも…