あまりニュースが取り上げない情報を思考するTofu News: Unique Topics that Conventional Media Ignores in Japan

https://twitter.com/NewsTofu To practice my English, I introduce news topics (immigration, economy, international relations, etc.) that conventional media ignores in Japan. 英語の勉強を兼ねて、あまりとりあげられないトピック, 移民問題、経済、外交、などを紹介していこうと思います。

日本の移民政策予測―ドイツの移民労働者、長期滞在、低賃金の背景 Foreign workers in Germany, background for long stay, low wage and prediction of Japan’s future



This time’s topic is also immigration issue in Germany. Last time I have introduced some data in terms of pension benefit and at-risk-of-poverty rate of immigrants and foreign workers in Germany from an article by The Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training (JILPT).



I will continue to read the same article and try to focus on a background of foreign workers in Germany, incentive of companies requiring long stay of workers, unskilled labor and application these ideas to prediction of Japan’s future.



本題 Main Subject

In 2014, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (JILPT) introduced a historical background of foreign workers in Germany and poverty situation based on WSI Report “Die Gastarbeiter, Geschichte und aktuelle soziale Lage”.

2014年に労働政策研究・研修機構(The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, JILPT)がWSI(ハンスベックラー財団経済社会研究所)の調査を元に、ドイツの移民、外国人労働者の歴史的経緯や貧困の状況について紹介しています。



Background of Foreign Workers

I try to shortly summarize the background of foreign workers in Germany after WW2 and pick up important information introduced in JILPT’s article.


After WW2, in order to solve labor shortage, Germany ratified agreements with several countries such as Italia, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia, Yugoslavia and had accepted foreign workers from them. In 1964, the number of Gastarbeiter (guest workers) exceeded 1 million in Germany.


I just pick up several sentences that I found important in the JILPT’s article. The first sentences is as follows.


Reference 1(I translated): As “Gastarbeiter (guest worker)”, at the beginning, it was thought that they return to their countries after the termination of labor contracts. However, contrary to the expectations, many of them continued to stay in Germany. The number of foreigners in Germany increased from 686,000 in 1961 to 1,800,000 in 1967.


As for the one of factor to explain this phenomenon, JILPT introduces companies motivation.


Reference 2 (I translated): companies preferred to continue to employ guest workers acquired skills rather than to dismiss them and employ new workers. This is because companies unwilling to pay additional costs of recruitment process and vocational training for new employees.



Additionally, this article introduces a past percentage of unskilled labor in foreign workers and low wage situation.


Reference 3 (I translated): looking at income of foreign workers, in 1972, a little more than 70% foreign workers were unskilled labor and thus, this contributed to foreign workers predomination over the others in low income class.


Moreover, recession reduced amount of overtime work by guest workers and their salary, leading to the gap increase in wages between German and foreign workers.



感想 My thought, impression

When it comes to Reference 1, what do you think about? At first, people expected that guest workers would return to their home countries after the expiry of the term of contract. However, many of them decided to stay in Germany.


When I have read this information in the article, that has recalled a current Japanese situation to my mind. At the moment (October 2018), Japanese government plan to present a bill that establish new qualification for stay and expand the acceptance of foreign workers in new fields such as agriculture, nursing care, accommodation, construction, food service industry, and so on.



参考リンク Refer the link of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or Bloomberg http://www.meti.go.jp/press/2018/07/20180712005/20180712005-1.pdf



The administration declares that this is not immigration policy and thus, they limit the period of stay. However, I predict that the decision will be changed in the near future because of pressure and strong demands from industry groups


This is because, like we have seen in Reference 2, industry groups must have incentive to avoid the additional costs.


From now on, if number of unskilled foreign workers increase in the new fields where the Japanese administration plan to expand and if they suffer from low wages like in the case of Reference 3, I predict Japan will also face difficulties of social integration.


One of prospective example is that like we saw in last time blog, people having background of immigration will show antipathy to the host country, a tendency of acceptance of violence or unwillingness to social integration.


That’s all for today. Like this, I shortly introduce interesting information as module, accumulate them little by little and study specific topics. Thank you for watching.




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The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training 2014, 50年後のガストアルバイター ―WSI調, viewed 1 October 2018,

< https://www.jil.go.jp/foreign/jihou/2014_12/germany_01.html >.


目的 Concept (It might be series of contents in my blog) 

Concept of this video is that I am learning English almost every day. For my English learning, in accordance with specific topic, I try to translate, shortly introduce some interesting information, sometimes adding my opinion and I try to make small module of information as video or blog.




My English level is still low. Thus, this blog could include not correct information caused by the poor level of my English and understanding or translation.
